12.00-17.00 Train the Trainer

CryptoParty is a decentralized, global initiative to introduce basic tools for protecting privacy, anonymity and overall security on the Internet to the general public. At a CryptoParty you can learn how to encrypt your emails and messages, how to browse anonymously and ask all the questions you have about privacy and security. During the afternoon, the German information security trainer Marie Gutbub taught ten students from the minor Security Labs at Hogeschool Rotterdam how to become Crypto Trainers themselves.

19.00-22.00 Hack Talk 3: Crypto Party

After an introduction by Marie Gutbub, ten students from the minor Security Labs at Hogeschool Rotterdam taught 64 visitors how to use Tor, PGP en secure mobile and discussed all the security and privacy topics they brought up.

This event was sponsored by organisations that also aim to share knowledge on cyber security freely, so many thank to: